Contacts are the heart of any CRM. It’s important to not only add contacts to your account when you initially set it up, but also to ensure that the account remains up-to-date with new consumers over time.  In order to assist you with keeping your database updated, SmithCRM offers multiple options for adding contacts to your account.

Ways to Add Contacts

  • Automatic Sync - When a consumer makes contact through a Smith website or and they are assigned to you, the contact will be automatically added to your account.
  • Manual Addition - Add contacts one-by-one by hand entering the information into the system. This is best used when you only have one contact or a small group of contacts to enter. (Learn more here)
  • Smith Email - This is a great option which allows you to quickly sync any contacts in your Smith Gmail account to your CRM. You can sync as often as you like, and there are checks in place to help avoid duplicate records. (Learn more here)
  • File Import - If you have contacts in a spreadsheet, they can easily be imported into your account. Files must be converted to CSV (comma separated values) format prior to import. There’s no limit on the number of files you can import, so there’s no need to condense multiple spreadsheets into a single file prior to importing. (Learn more here)
    • Personal Email Account - If you have a personal email account where contacts are stored, you may be able to import them. However, this depends entirely on whether or not that system allows you to export. (Learn more here)
    • LinkedIn - Have you connected to people through LinkedIn? If so, the social network offers you the option of exporting your Address Book from their system. After your export is complete, you can import the file into your account. (Learn more here)

Quick Tip! Due to the likelihood of multiple agents knowing or interacting with the same individuals, the system will allow multiple agents to have the same consumer in each of their databases.

The Contacts Page

Here’s a view of the Contacts page, with an explanation of each section below:

  1. Search - The left hand column contains all your search options. You have the ability to search by all major field values in the system. You’ll see that the options on this tab vary slightly from the Leads tab.
  2. Pagination - Navigate through multiple pages of contacts, if applicable
  3. Page Sort - Change the sort order of the contacts shown on the page. Options are: Activity Date, Creation Date, Status, Interest Level, First Name, Last Name
  4. Recent Activity Icons - These icons  (View a legend of all icons here)
  5. Contact Summary - Shows a quick overview of a contact’s information
  6. Selection Options - Allows you to toggle between the different contact selection options
  7. Actions Section - When you click “Add to List”, the contact is added to the filmstrip. Once in the filmstrip, you can perform bulk actions like adding to a group, exporting, etc.

How to Search

Choose a search field that you’d like to use as a filter, and select or type the relevant values. You can use as many fields as you’d like within one search.

When you’re ready, click the “Go” button to submit your search. The page will refresh and show only the leads which meet your search criteria.

If at any time you’d like to start over, click the “Clear All” button to remove all currently selected filters.

Important Fields & Their Values

  • Contact Status - Refers to the current status of the contact.
  • Agent Database - Used to indicate that a contact is currently a passive member of your database
  • Assigned - Indicates that the contact is currently assigned to a particular agent, which means that all future inquiries will flow to the agent and they will have access to the contact’s account if one exists.
  • Closed - Used to indicate that the contact has completed a transaction
  • Pending - Used to indicate that a contact is currently under contract
  • Shared - If you have chosen to share a contact with another agent, the status will update to “Shared”
  • Contact Source - Lead source explains the origin of the contact. There are currently three possibilities, but more may be added in the future. Current contact sources are: Broker, Agent, and
  • Contact Type - The contact type classifies the contact. Possible values are: Agent, Buyer, Seller, Buyer-Seller, Friend, Rental, Landlord, Sphere, Vendor, Competitor, Recruit, and Other.
  • Owner – Refers to the agent who is currently assigned the contact, and will therefore receive leads from them. The owner will always be you, unless another agent has shared a contact with you.
  • Business Source - Allows you to indicate the source of business for a consumer. Sample values are: Advertisement, Direct Mail, Open House, Referral. But there are many more options!
  • Interest Level - Identify a contact’s interest level from 0-5 stars.
  • Priority - Indicate a contact’s priority by selecting one of the following values: Hot, Warm, Cold, Dead
  • Time Frame - Classifies contacts based on when you anticipate that they will complete a transaction