The Contact Details page is the primary page for each contact within your account. It summarizes all activity for that individual and includes links to all editing functions and action options.  Here’s what it looks like, with a short explanation of each feature located below the image.

  1. Contact Summary - A basic summary of the primary information for your Contact, you can edit with the blue pencil or Edit Lead on the bottom left hand side.
  2. Group Visibility -  Easily view which groups your contact is assigned too, you can also add to additional groups by click ing Manage groups to the right.
  3. Communication Center - Send a quick email, leave a note, email a touchpoint, log a text or jot an event down.
  4. Lead Actions - If the Contact has filled out a form on (or your Smith provided agent site), this section will include a history of those interactions.
  5. Email History - Easily view past emails from this client sent from your Smith & Associates email account! 
  6. Action Wheel - An at-a-glance view of any quick actions that have not been completed with staying top of mind with your contacts (log a call, favorite a listing, saved search, recommend a listing, assign to action plan, etc)
  7. Action Plans - Assign to-do tasks to stay top of mind with your contacts

Action Buttons

  • Edit - Make changes to your lead’s name, email, phone, and other important fields
  • Groups - View the groups this contact is a part of, or add them to additional groups
  • Notes - Add notes to help you track information regarding this client over time
  • Call - Log a call interaction
  • Email - Send prebuilt touchpoints to your contacts
  • Text - Log a text interaction 
  • Action Plans - Create a to-do list to help you stay organized
  • Listings - View a list of properties this consumer has saved within their account