Learn what actions you should take to protect your accounts and report the incident.
Operating System: All
Applies To: Smith & Associates Real Estate Staff, Agents, etc.
Last Updated: March 18th, 2019
Act Now
Choose actions based on the information you revealed and how that information can be used.
Your Smith & Associates Real Estate Password
- Immediately change your password. If you use this password on other accounts, change those to new unique passwords now.
- Report the phishing attempt.
Your Bank or Credit Card Account Number, Password or PIN
- Call the bank’s hot line, usually printed on the back of your bank card, and report the incident.
- If you have transferred money to a phisher, report the incident to your local police.
- Inspect your statements carefully for signs of account misuse.
- Determine if you want to put a lock on your credit records. This will keep anyone from opening a new account.
- Go to your bank’s online website and look for information about fraud, phishing or identity theft. Find out what your bank expects you to do.
Your Social Security Number
- Put a lock on your credit report to block the creation of any new credit card accounts.
- Review the recommendations from the Social Security Administration about identity theft and your Social Security Number.
Notify the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that you have been phished.
The FTC is the nation's consumer protection agency. The FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection works for the consumer to prevent fraud, deception and unfair business practices in the marketplace.