Question: If I email with someone in my smithandassociates email, they will be added to my google contacts or do I have to manually make them a contact in my smithandassociates email to be sure they get added? 

Solution: Everyone that you email from your smithandassociates email will be allocated to the OTHER contacts sections in your contacts -

From here you can select the contact or search at the top bar and manually add them to your MY CONTACTS. Based off how many exchanges you might have with an email address, Gmail will label them as a contact. In your email you will see a 'add contact to contact list' option on the side 
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To move everyone to the group moxi - go to and on the top left it should be selected on contacts and the total number of contacts, click on the people you want to move over by selecting their image / or letter of their name (depending on if they have an image or not) then select the label button up top and select your desired group.

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