Before creating form letters you will need to create a category to place your custom form letters, how to create category.

Form Letters

Select Form Letters, from this page you will be able to access options to create, edit, or delete Form Letters.


Upon visiting this page you are presented with a list of the Form Letters currently in the system. If your site has recently been setup, you will see pre-loaded Form-Letters labelled "Drip 1- 10". These Form Letters exist to give an idea of how the Categories and Form Letters relate to each other.

Form Letters are pre-built documents that can be selected when emailing leads. Selecting a Form Letter when sending an email will place all the content into the body of the email found in the Form Letter.

Form Letters are also associated with Campaigns, as they are the emails that will be selected to send in the Campaign.

Adding a Form Letter

To add a new Form Letter document click the Add button from the top-right of the Form Letters, or select the blue Add New button found in the top left and choose "Form Letter" from the dropdown menu.



Form Letter Name - Similar to how you name a file on a computer; this is the name for the Form Letter. Will be the display name found throughout the CRM.

Category - Here you can select the Category for the Form Letter to be placed under (this is for organizational purposes only).

Message - Here you enter the body of the Form Letter, this will be the content of an email.

Above the field, next to the heading, is a link that allows you to switch between the text formatting methods: "Plain Text" and WYSIWYG ("HTML"). When switching to "Plain Text" mode, the editor controls will be removed and the contents will display any HTML tags used within the document. When switching to WYSIWYG ("HTML") mode, the editor controls will be displayed and any HTML in the document will render accordingly.

Tags can be used to dynamically add information. Such as, the recipient's name, your signature, or an unsubscribe link. Below the Message field is a list of the available tags.

  • Tags:
    • {first_name} - Display the first name of the sending customer.
    • {last_name} -  Display the last name of the sending customer.
    • {email} - Display the email address if the sending agent.
    • {signature} -Display the signature of the sending agent
    • {unsubscribe} - Places a unsubscribe link in the email, leads selecting this will be opted-out of email marketing.
    • {verify} - Places a verification link in the email, leads selecting this will have their email address verified.

Editing a Form Letter

To edit a Form Letter select the title associated with the Form Letter. You will be presented with a set of controls the same as those used for adding Form Letters.


Once the changes have been made select the Save button from the bottom-right of the page.

Deleting a Form Letter

If a Form Letter is no longer needed, it can be removed from the system by selecting the Trash Can Icon button associated with the Form Letter. Then select "Ok" on the confirmation window that opens.
