Uploading an Image

To upload an image to the MoxieManager you will need to go to a CRM page that includes the WYSIWYG editor,  and select the "image" icon.


This will open the "Insert/Edit Image" popup window. From here look for the field labeled "Source" and to the right is an icon of a file folder and magnifying glass, select this to open the MoxieManager.


You will now have the MoxieManager displayed.


Once you have the Moxie Manager open you can click on upload to bring up the file browser (upload window). Selecting Add Files will allow you to browse your computer or mobile device to locate your desired image. Once you have uploaded the file you can close the file browser and return to the Moxie Manager and insert the image on to the page. 

Once the image is placed onto the page you can highlight the image to be provided resizing edges.


Here is a quick video walkthrough of the process.